Allgemeine Zeitung
SERVICE PLEASE... A new billboard in front of the Swakopmund District Hospital as part of the ‘Hospital Quality Standards’.  All the hospitals that are participating are required to have a board detailing the services offered. Photo: Adam Hartman SERVICE PLEASE... A new billboard in front of the Swakopmund District Hospital as part of the ‘Hospital Quality Standards’.  All the hospitals that are participating are required to have a board detailing the services offered. Photo: Adam Hartman

Krankenhausdienste bemängelt

March 19, 2025
Von Adam HartmanSwakopmundEin jüngster Vorfall im Kreiskrankenhaus Swakopmund hat die neu eingeführte Charta des Gesundheitsministeriums für den Kundenservice auf die Probe gestellt und Fragen darüber aufgeworfen, ob die in dem Dokument...
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