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Elma Kriel en Russel Bartlett, by Mnr. & Mej. Napso-Privaatskole in hul temadrag. Foto verskaf
Elma Kriel en Russel Bartlett, by Mnr. & Mej. Napso-Privaatskole in hul temadrag. Foto verskaf

Vlamme brand by Mnr en Mej Privaatskolenaweek

Noa Bartholomae
Mnr en Mej NAPSO-Privaatskole is ’n kans vir alle NAPSO-skole om met hulle beeldskone en sjarmante leerders te spog.

Die kroning word elke jaar tydens die Privaatskoleweek gehou. Elke skool se twee wenners kry die kans om namens hulle skool om die kroon mee te ding.

Vanjaar was die kompetisie op Stampriet gehou. NAPSO-skole van regoor die land het deelgeneem. Die atmosfeer was elektries terwyl die hele saal vol toeskouers sit en wag het vir die verrigtinge om te begin.

En toe skop dinge af: Die ligte is gedemp en die eerste deelnemers kom by die verhoog afgeloop. Trotse skoliere klap hande en juig.

Die temadrag was iets om te beleef. Daar was ’n reuse verskeidenheid kostuums van hoenders tot braaibroodjies! Tsumeb Gimnasium se kandidate, Elma Kriel en Russel Bartlett, het die hele saal aan die brand gehad met hulle “vurige” uitrusting. Ons tema, soos julle kan aflei, was vuur.

Dié jaar was daar ’n paar nuwe elemente ingebring. Erstens was daar ’n danskompetisie geïnkorporeer. Deelnemers moes ’n dans saamstel en uitvoer. Daar was danspassies van alle soorte: Van ’n Salsa tot die Jive. Ons Gimmie-verteenwoordigers het ’n opwindende “dance-off” uitgevoer.

So het die spanning net aanhou opbou.

Die formele afdeling was volgende - ’n kans vir meisies om hulle blinkste rokke aan te trek en vir seuns om te spog met hulle aantreklike aandpakke. Formele drag is gewoonlik die hoogtepunt alle skoonheidskompetisies en Mnr en Mej Privaatskole was geen uitsondering nie. Mense het omtrent hulle asem opgehou soos die paartjies een vir een op die verhoog verskyn.

Na die laaste kandidate die verhoog verlaat, kon die atmosfeer met ’n mes gesny word, want almal weet wat volgende

kom. Die oomblik waarvoor almal gewag het, is uiteindelik hier!

Daar was ’n oomblik se stilte, die wenners word aangekondig: “Ons Mej NAPSO 2024 is... Elma Kriel!” Die hele saal juig en skree, die oomblik is groot.

Beide Tsumeb Gimnasium se kandidate het ’n plek in die top 3 ingepalm.

Wat ’n aand!


Allgemeine Zeitung 2024-10-18

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Katima Mulilo: 22° | 39° Rundu: 21° | 38° Eenhana: 19° | 37° Oshakati: 20° | 37° Ruacana: 18° | 37° Tsumeb: 23° | 35° Otjiwarongo: 18° | 33° Omaruru: 17° | 33° Windhoek: 16° | 30° Gobabis: 16° | 33° Henties Bay: 12° | 18° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: S, Low tide: 09:33, High tide: 03:44, Low Tide: 22:02, High tide: 15:58 Swakopmund: 13° | 15° Wind speed: 25km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 09:31, High tide: 03:42, Low Tide: 22:00, High tide: 15:56 Walvis Bay: 13° | 21° Wind speed: 37km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 09:31, High tide: 03:41, Low Tide: 22:00, High tide: 15:55 Rehoboth: 12° | 31° Mariental: 15° | 31° Keetmanshoop: 14° | 31° Aranos: 14° | 32° Lüderitz: 13° | 24° Ariamsvlei: 14° | 29° Oranjemund: 11° | 18° Luanda: 24° | 25° Gaborone: 19° | 35° Lubumbashi: 18° | 37° Mbabane: 13° | 27° Maseru: 12° | 26° Antananarivo: 15° | 27° Lilongwe: 21° | 33° Maputo: 18° | 29° Windhoek: 16° | 30° Cape Town: 14° | 16° Durban: 18° | 22° Johannesburg: 19° | 29° Dar es Salaam: 25° | 30° Lusaka: 21° | 36° Harare: 17° | 32° Currency: GBP to NAD 22.87 | EUR to NAD 19.09 | CNY to NAD 2.47 | USD to NAD 17.58 | DZD to NAD 0.13 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.27 | EGP to NAD 0.35 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.08 | RUB to NAD 0.18 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 132.7 | USD to AOA 909.05 | USD to BWP 13.35 | USD to EGP 48.58 | USD to KES 128.5 | USD to NGN 1651.73 | USD to ZAR 17.58 | USD to ZMW 26.66 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index Same 0 | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1885.58 Up +0.89% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 14125.26 Up +2.10% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 30143.86 Down -1.31% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 9834.64 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 717.52/OZ UP +0.88% | Copper US$ 4.37/lb UP +1.09% | Zinc US$ 3 101.80/T UP 0.02% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 73.75/BBP DOWN -0.0129 | Platinum US$ 1 013.38/OZ UP +1.90% Sport results: Weather: Katima Mulilo: 22° | 39° Rundu: 21° | 38° Eenhana: 19° | 37° Oshakati: 20° | 37° Ruacana: 18° | 37° Tsumeb: 23° | 35° Otjiwarongo: 18° | 33° Omaruru: 17° | 33° Windhoek: 16° | 30° Gobabis: 16° | 33° Henties Bay: 12° | 18° Wind speed: 22km/h, Wind direction: S, Low tide: 09:33, High tide: 03:44, Low Tide: 22:02, High tide: 15:58 Swakopmund: 13° | 15° Wind speed: 25km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 09:31, High tide: 03:42, Low Tide: 22:00, High tide: 15:56 Walvis Bay: 13° | 21° Wind speed: 37km/h, Wind direction: SW, Low tide: 09:31, High tide: 03:41, Low Tide: 22:00, High tide: 15:55 Rehoboth: 12° | 31° Mariental: 15° | 31° Keetmanshoop: 14° | 31° Aranos: 14° | 32° Lüderitz: 13° | 24° Ariamsvlei: 14° | 29° Oranjemund: 11° | 18° Luanda: 24° | 25° Gaborone: 19° | 35° Lubumbashi: 18° | 37° Mbabane: 13° | 27° Maseru: 12° | 26° Antananarivo: 15° | 27° Lilongwe: 21° | 33° Maputo: 18° | 29° Windhoek: 16° | 30° Cape Town: 14° | 16° Durban: 18° | 22° Johannesburg: 19° | 29° Dar es Salaam: 25° | 30° Lusaka: 21° | 36° Harare: 17° | 32° Economic Indicators: Currency: GBP to NAD 22.87 | EUR to NAD 19.09 | CNY to NAD 2.47 | USD to NAD 17.58 | DZD to NAD 0.13 | AOA to NAD 0.02 | BWP to NAD 1.27 | EGP to NAD 0.35 | KES to NAD 0.14 | NGN to NAD 0.01 | ZMW to NAD 0.65 | ZWL to NAD 0.04 | BRL to NAD 3.08 | RUB to NAD 0.18 | INR to NAD 0.21 | USD to DZD 132.7 | USD to AOA 909.05 | USD to BWP 13.35 | USD to EGP 48.58 | USD to KES 128.5 | USD to NGN 1651.73 | USD to ZAR 17.58 | USD to ZMW 26.66 | USD to ZWL 321 | Stock Exchange: JSE All Share Index Same 0 | Namibian Stock Exchange (NSX) Overall Index 1885.58 Up +0.89% | Casablanca Stock Exchange (CSE) MASI 14125.26 Up +2.10% | Egyptian Exchange (EGX) 30 Index 30143.86 Down -1.31% | Botswana Stock Exchange (BSE) DCI 9834.64 Same 0 | NSX: MTC 7.75 SAME | Anirep 8.99 SAME | Capricorn Investment group 17.34 SAME | FirstRand Namibia Ltd 49 DOWN 0.50% | Letshego Holdings (Namibia) Ltd 4.1 UP 2.50% | Namibia Asset Management Ltd 0.7 SAME | Namibia Breweries Ltd 31.49 UP 0.03% | Nictus Holdings - Nam 2.22 SAME | Oryx Properties Ltd 12.1 UP 1.70% | Paratus Namibia Holdings 11.99 SAME | SBN Holdings 8.45 SAME | Trustco Group Holdings Ltd 0.48 SAME | B2Gold Corporation 47.34 DOWN 1.50% | Local Index closed 677.62 UP 0.12% | Overall Index closed 1534.6 DOWN 0.05% | Osino Resources Corp 19.47 DOWN 2.41% | Commodities: Gold US$ 2 717.52/OZ UP +0.88% | Copper US$ 4.37/lb UP +1.09% | Zinc US$ 3 101.80/T UP 0.02% | Brent Crude Oil US$ 73.75/BBP DOWN -0.0129 | Platinum US$ 1 013.38/OZ UP +1.90%